Results of Prototyping


One of our main goals with our wizard of oz sessions was to see how organically the conversations about sleep habits and setting goals happened. We wanted to know how much structure would need to be given in order to get people to have those conversations and keep them engaged with the hypothetical app. We also wanted to know if people felt comfortable having those conversations in the first place. Additionally, we used a Figma project to help people understand the structure of the app and to get feedback on whether or not the UI flow made sense and was appealing to users.

Results and Findings

We have found that the wizard of oz session has been helpful with learning how our ideas should be implemented and what should be fixed. We learned that people in our groups felt comfortable sharing their goal, accountability and progress. There was a good amount of self reporting however outside of that there was not as much interaction such as feedback between the people. We noticed that we needed to send reminders to help improve the consistency of communication. When we sent reminders and added an additional accountability other than just the people in the group it helped keep people engaged. When our prototype was tested on the group in class that understood the wizard of oz concept, their interaction and goal-setting there was much more engagement in the group.

Overall our findings were promising enough to continue with our idea. We found that people were interested and receptive to the idea of creating accountability for their sleeping habits and sharing their goals with their friends and family. Our approach may need some tweaking to help guide how people interact with and encourage each other, but our testers were very comfortable with sharing their goals and progress with each other. This suggests that a more structured approach within our app could be very successful.

Moving Forward

The elements of the design that we will keep include various functionalities from the Figma as well as different chat elements. We have decided to keep the page layout relatively the same with a Dashboard to set goals and check user progress. We will also keep the Feed page and the option to rate and post about your sleep. We have also decided to keep the chat so that it can remain a dedicated space to encourage and grow consistent sleeping habits within a group. Elements that we need to revise are more directed toward how the chat will work. We will be implementing a chat/app reminder for when it is close to the user’s set bedtime or if they haven’t shared their sleep progress. We will need to find a way to encourage users to keep each other accountable consistently especially with the different types of motivation they can have. With that, we would also want to include fun icons and banners in the chat to keep users engaged. We will also connect to the phone’s alarm system to assist in waking the user up and keeping them accountable. For the UI, we will include user profiles so users can friend other people, view their progress, and check/set their motivation styles.